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Press Advertising
37 million people read a national newspaper every week, impressive? 83% of UK adults read a national newspaper on a monthly basis. In the age of rolling 24-hour news coverage, national newspapers are read by 76% of adults in a week. This amounts to 33 million readers on weekdays and 30 million readers at weekends. This trend is seen to happen across the WORLD!

Newspaper online sites have a strong (and growing) market presence and are increasingly being deployed in partnership with the print version of the newspaper to extend reach even further. (Source: NRS Jan-Dec08)

National and international press is a fantastic platform for both Branding and Direct Response advertising. Brilliant partner to boost traffic on your website. Several case studies demonstrate this. A well known national newspapers drove a 200% increase in web traffic for one of our client (Property Sector).

As media have become more fragmented and targeted, a medium that can offer mass market coverage plays an increasingly valuable role. Many national press have solous readers (dedicated readers who will not read any other press).

Each paper, whether national, regional or local has its own target audience. Some target the Working Class, some the Retired, some target City Workers and so on, and in fact it can get quite complicated.

It's OUR job! We will pin point which paper would be ideal for you. We'll research and gather all the facts and figures required and submit our proposal to you for consideration.
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